/* [Main Script] Project: CloudServer - Responsive HTML5 Technology, Web Hosting and WHMCS Template Version: 1.9 Author : themelooks.com */ ;(function ($) { "use strict"; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * COMMON VARIABLES * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $wn = $(window), $body = $('body'); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * FAKELOADER * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $fakeLoader = $('#fakeLoader'); if ( $fakeLoader.length ) { $fakeLoader.fakeLoader({ spinner: "spinner2", zIndex: '99999' }); } $(function () { /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * BACKGROUND IMAGE * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $bgImg = $('[data-bg-img]'); $bgImg.each(function () { var $t = $(this); $t.css('background-image', 'url(' + $t.data('bg-img') + ')').addClass('bg--img').removeAttr('data-bg-img'); }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * BACKGROUND VIDEO * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $bgVideo = $('[data-bg-video]'); if ( $bgVideo.length ) { $bgVideo.tubular({videoId: $bgVideo.data('bg-video'), wrapperZIndex: 0}); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * STICKYJS * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $sticky = $('[data-sticky="true"]'); if ( $sticky.length ) { $sticky.sticky({ zIndex: '999' }); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * MENU * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var $menu = $('#menu'), $offCanvasMenu = $('.off-canvas-menu'), $offCanvasMenuLinks = $('.off-canvas-menu .nav > li > a'); $menu.on('click', '.menu-toggle-btn, .off-canvas-menu--close-btn, .off-canvas-menu-overlay', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $offCanvasMenu.toggleClass('menu-open'); }); $offCanvasMenuLinks.one('click', function () { var $parent = $(this).parent('li'); if ( $parent.hasClass('opened') ) { $parent.toggleClass('opened open'); } else { $parent.siblings('li.opened').toggleClass('opened open'); } }); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM VALIDATION * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var $formValidation = $('[data-form-validation="true"] form'); $formValidation.each(function () { var $t = $(this); $t.validate({ errorPlacement: function (error, element) { return true; } }); }); var contactForm = $('#contactForm') , contactFormStatus = $('.contact-form-status'); if ( contactForm.length ) { contactForm.validate({ rules: { contactName: "required", contactEmail: { required: true, email: true }, contactSubject: "required", contactMessage: "required" }, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { return true; }, submitHandler: function(e) { var formData = contactForm.serialize(); // serialize the form data /* Submit the form using AJAX */ $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: contactForm.attr('action'), data: formData }) .done(function(response) { contactFormStatus.show().html(response).delay(1000).fadeOut("slow"); }); } }); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------* * OWL CAROUSEL * -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var testimonialSlider = $('.testimonial-slider'); if ( testimonialSlider.length ) { testimonialSlider.owlCarousel({ slideSpeed: 700, paginationSpeed: 700, singleItem: true, autoPlay: true, addClassActive: true }); } var $pricingSlider = $('.pricing--slider'); if ( $pricingSlider.length ) { $pricingSlider.owlCarousel({ slideSpeed: 800, paginationSpeed: 800, items: 3, itemsDesktop: [1199, 3], itemsDesktopSmall: [991, 2], itemsTablet: [767, 1] }); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * VPS PRICING AREA * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ var $vpsPricing = $('#vpsPricing'), vpsPricingObj = {}; vpsPricingObj.$slider = $vpsPricing.find('#vpsSlider'); vpsPricingObj.$putValue = $vpsPricing.find('[data-put-value]'); vpsPricingObj.$putHref = $vpsPricing.find('[data-put-href]'); vpsPricingObj.slider = function (res) { vpsPricingObj.slider.value = 1; vpsPricingObj.slider.max = res.length - 1; vpsPricingObj.slider.changeValue = function (e, ui) { vpsPricingObj.slider.value = $.isEmptyObject( ui ) ? 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